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Hey everyone!
Tonight I will be reviewing-Treasure In The Royal Tower!

You as Nancy Drew travel to Wickford castle in Wisconsin for a ski vacation but,upon your arrival,find yourself snowed in.
In an effort to get the radiator in your room fixed,you meet Dexter Egan,the cranky man who resides at the front desk and is all but happy to help you.Dexter seems unwilling to answer your questions.Could he be hiding something?
As you explore the castle,along with its twists,turns and dead ends,you begin to learn more of its
history involving Marie Antoinette!
Hoping to find out more,you eventually meet the few other guests who arrived before the snow.You are told that the castle’s library has been locked up because of a recent vandalism!What could this criminal have been searching for?
Discover hidden secrets and divulge sinister motives in-Treasure In The Royal Tower.

This was a great game!
I loved exploring the castle,sneaking around and snooping!
My favorite character was probably Professor Hotchkiss.She funny,weird and never gets Nancy’s name right!
Most of the puzzles were pretty simple to figure out,but there were a few that took some time.
Sorry!It’s late.Bye!